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How to get the most out of your job search

Last week, Yolande Maritz and myself were delighted to team up with Directioneering to give some top tips to Senior Executives who are looking for opportunities.

We discussed the importance of building a strong relationship with your recruitment partner, the importance of LinkedIn and how to stand out from the crowd and getting the most out of your job search.

Below are the key take aways for anyone looking for a role in this challenging climate:

1. Meet with us

If you are invited to meet with a consultant, and they are credible, take the opportunity. Even if there isn’t a job right now, some of my most rewarding placements have come from meeting a job seeker, knowing they will be perfect for one of our clients, and creating them an opportunity from nothing. A strong recruiter with a large network will already be thinking of the shortlist for a role before even hanging up with their client. If we don’t know you, you’re already a step behind.

2. Authenticity – Be yourself.

We know what you can do in regards to technical skills but let us get an understanding of who you are as a person. The more we get to know you, the better we are able to represent you to our client.

3. LinkedIn - Show a little bit of your personality in your profile.

Always have a nice, professional photo. Don’t assume your title spells out what you have done (algorithms look for keywords.) Like, like and like! The more active you are the more people notice you. Build your network and ask for recommendations, these serve as public references.

4. Quality not quantity – Check your resume.

Is it easy to read? Does it spell out what you have accomplished? Does it speak to the roles you will be applying for?

5. Introduce yourself

Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and speak to the hiring manager, internal talent team or HR Manager. It shows you are keen on their role and allows them to get to know you better.

6. Don’t look desperate – Track your applications.

There is nothing worse than your being represented by multiple agencies or applying for a job direct and then having a recruiter sell you to the same client.

7. Stay positive

We understand it is really hard right now, but things will get better. Positive breeds positive, great things will come your way!

Don’t hesitate to add to this if you have ideas. We are always here if you would like a chat.

Take care, this too shall pass.

Kylie and Yolande.

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